Every now and then, it’s easy to sway a bit from your regular fitness routine. Maybe you’ve had a busy month with no time to meal prep, or you’ve had a social calendar filled to the rim with a heavy load of drinking and junk food. Either way, your body has had enough and you’re ready to get back in the groove of all things health. Looking to get your fitness routine back on its A-Game? We’ve got 5 simple ways to help you get back on track!
First things first, just start. The easiest thing to do when you’re trying to “get a fresh start” is put things off until the time is right. You might be thinking: Well, today’s Wednesday, so I’ll give myself until next Monday.
Do not fall into this trap! If you’ve slipped up and need to get back on track, don’t delay the fresh start. Avoid giving yourself extra time to binge. If you want to reset yourself for a healthier you, start now. Start with the next meal. Get a quick HIIT workout in today. What can you start doing differently, now?
Went hard on that Big Mac Combo and got the sundae to match last night? Well, the past is in the past. Don’t try to balance yourself out by eating one meal the next day and skipping out on excess calories. Instead, eat clean, get all of your nutrients in, and don’t deprive yourself of what your body needs! Skipping meals to compensate for what you ate in the past is NOT healthy.
To make sure you don’t fall off your game again, prepping and planning is key! Pick one day in the week where you can dedicate a few hours to cooking. Meal prep all of your meals for the next few days. Next time you’re in a rush and don’t have time to think about what you’re going to eat, fear not! Skip out on the fast food and grab some of your meal prep from the fridge instead. (Not sure where to start with meal prep? We’ve got the ultimate guide to meal prep for beginners.
There’s nothing like some H2O to cleanse and re-hydrate yourself after a few weeks of unhealthy eating. Especially relevant if you’ve had a high sodium intake – it’s good to detox yourself by flushing out your body with fluids. Aim for at least 8 glasses a day, and trust us – youre body and your skin will thank you!
Last, but definitely not least. Lay off on feeling guilty. So, you fell off your healthy lifestyle and fitness routine for a bit of time? It happens to the best of us. Don’t be so hard on yourself! We’re all about balance – so once in a while it’s okay to treat yourself when life happens. The important thing here is not to dwell on what you could’ve done differently, but focus that energy on what changes you can and will be making today.