10 Things To Give Up If You Want To Be Happy In Life Again and you should know

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One can achieve happiness by merely letting go of the things that hold us down. Truth be told, it’s actually our mindset that restricts us from obtaining happiness. It’s not the tangible objects; it’s the intangible aspects that matter most to create a happy life you want. You have to give up some things to be happy in life. Are you eager to know, which one?
The negativity in our life is so powerful that it impacts almost anything that we do. Our Thoughts are intriguing and we need to take control of them. It may be easy to enumerate these top twelve negative things that inhibit happiness, but being able to give these up completely is difficult to achieve.
If you’ve been feeling heavyhearted for the past days, weeks, or months, and really want to improve your life give up these twelve things. You can make a huge difference in your life by quitting these self- sabotaging habits to be happier. And it all starts with changing our mentality.

10 Things To Quit Today If You Want To Be Happy In Life

1. Give up insecurities

Our insecurities are what separate us from creating healthy relationships with yourself and other people. Whether it’s a romantic or platonic relationship, insecurities will always generate that barrier for a trusting and reciprocal relationship.
More often than not, we tend to think these:
“I’m not good enough.”
“I’m not beautiful.”
“I don’t have skills and talents.”
“I’m not cut out for my job.”
“No one likes me.”
“I’m not perfect.”
First and foremost, no one is perfect. Everyone has flaws. It’s up to you on how you deal with it. You can either live in sorrow or learn to accept it. Whether those insecurities came from past rejections or lack of self-confidence, learning to love your flaws will teach you to love yourself more – regardless of the imperfections.
Quit the habit to criticize yourself, you will never ever be a happier person if do it all the time. Try some powerful positive affirmations. Accept and embrace yourself.

2. Give up wallowing in self-pity

Your past failures and rejections could be the reason you’re feeling sorry for yourself. They could be the reason why you think of yourself as inferior to others. But what you should think about is that others might be jealous of your assets.
For instance, if you’re feeling sorry for yourself for not having a high-paying job, there could be others in the world who can never get a job in the first place.
Self-pity means you see yourself as a failure. When, in reality, failures actually make us stronger. Think of failures as a stepping stone instead of a setback. Use affirmations if you are dealing with anxiety, depression or any other mental health issues.

3. Give up comparing yourself with others

Each person is unique. We all have our strengths and weaknesses, and that’s okay. The only way we can win at life is when we nurture our strengths and improve our weaknesses. I will never happy with my life if I constantly thinking about what others have, be happy with what you have.
Find some simple things that make you happy. Instead of wishing for what others have, be happy with what you have.

4. Give up conforming to the social paradigm

As long as people have differences, society will always declare a typical system or way which may or may not be favorable to others. For example, if society defines success as having huge houses or luxury cars, others may feel the need to conform to this.
You should not feel sad about your life accordingly. Success can be different for others, just like how happiness is different for various people too. One way you can be truly free is when you need to stop conforming to what society dictates and start living your life according to how you feel.
When a world seems shiner how to be happy with yourself? Control your urge to be on social media every time. If you are addicted to gadgets, follow these 4 easy tips to tame gadget guru in yourself. Happier people always spend less time on social media and make a great connection with real people.

5. Give up the fears that hold you back

Fear is inevitable. Admittedly, everyone fears something in their lives. As a surfer myself, it’s probably ironic that I fear the ocean. I fear its mystery and volatility. I fear to drown or fall. I never surf alone since the paranoia and fear sometimes mess things up.
Until I said to myself, I’m not letting this fear stop me from surfing whenever and wherever I want. So one day, I mustered up all the courage to conquer my fear and decided to surf alone. The lineup was half a kilometer paddle, and I had to paddle through a river to get to it.
But when I was sitting on my board amidst the vastness of the ocean, I had never felt so free.
If you truly want to be happy in life first accept your fear and take steps to conquer it. One way of conquering your fear is to strip off all the “What ifs.” What if I won’t make it, what if I fail, what if they won’t like it, or what if it’s not good enough. So what? Know the fear and have no fear.

6. Give up toxic people and activities

I can smell a toxic person from a mile away. These people manipulate you, pull you down, subtly condescend you, and suck out all the positive energy in you. Leave before everything gets complicated.
See less of these people and do other things to entertain you. Pick up a new hobby. Go hiking, get a dog, read the best teen fiction books, or bake your first cake.
Stay away from negative peole. They have a problem for every solution.
Albert Einestein
Stick to any positive activity that gives you enjoyment and get rid of those activities and people that inhibit professional and personal growth. Take your own worth seriously and grow to have a happy life forever.

7. Give up constantly complaining

Before I was introduced to surfing, I used to complain about all the little things that didn’t go my way. Zits, humid weather, traffic, or just about anything I don’t have control over. But surfing made me realize how insubstantial my complaints are because these things don’t matter.
Constantly complaining is the first sign of an unhappy person. Are you all the time making excuses?
If you’re in the same boat – STOP for a second and breathe. Take a look around you. You have food on the table, and your heart is beating. You’re alive, and that alone should be enough to make you feel happy. Feel the happiness around yourself.

8. Give up your pride

Pride can be the death of relationships. I have been in and out of romantic relationships, and I ruined most of them because of my ego. In the Bible, Luke 14: 11 stated, “For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.”
Never let your pride get the best of you. Don’t worry if others feel and act more superior than you. Stay humble, and you will be rewarded in the end.
What makes people happy? When they give up their ego and choose the right thing. It’s a habit of happy people, they never have an attitude over little things. They respect other people’s opinions.

9. Give up the want for material objects

How do I feel real happiness? Just don’t get duped into crass consumerism. Ignore those advertisements that make people believe material objects can transform your life. Yes, you may indeed need some of them but never hoard just to “belong.”
Let go of the things that you want but keep those that you need in your life. Marie Kondo always reminds people that if it sparks joy, then keep it. After all, the things that truly matter in our life are intangible such as love and kindness.
Be creative and have fun. Enjoy the little sparks of your life and try these 101 little things to be happier instantly.
Be happy with what you have. Be excited about what you want.
Alan Cohen

10. Give up unhealthy habits

To do a mind and body overhaul, one has to nourish the body to keep the soul and mind happy. Apart from the abovementioned unhealthy habits, you also need to give up the food and habits that are preventing you to stay in the best shape possible. Smoking, drinking, drugs, junk food, fatty food, sugar-laden treats are some of the culprits to an unhealthy body.
Nourishing the body with organic food as much as possible will have a significant impact on your overall health and wellness. Plus, pairing this habit with workouts that you enjoy will have long-term effects as well.


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